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inspHire Limited expands its operation in Australia

inspHire Limited is pleased to announce its acquisition of the inspHire software business from its reseller Elev8 Australia Pty Ltd.

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inspHire has provided its award-winning rental solutions through its local reseller for the last 12 years and now plans to service customers directly. It targets a number of core markets including heavy plant, construction vehicles, powered access equipment, oil and gas equipment, portable toilets, audio visual and medical equipment.

inspHire has been providing its software solutions to the rental industry for a number of years and operates in Europe, North America and Africa, supporting over 1200 companies in 30+ countries. It is part of Kerridge Commercial Systems Group, who provides software to 15,000 customers worldwide, offering end to end ERP solutions including rental, supply chain management, financial management, CRM, warehouse management, transport management, business intelligence and ePOS solutions for the distribution and manufacturing markets.

Speaking about the acquisition, Graham Dobbs, CEO of inspHire commented “This is a great opportunity to accelerate our strategy. We look forward to working with customers throughout Australia and Asia to better meet their rental software needs. It’s an exciting time for inspHire to establish itself in Australia and to work closely with our customers locally.”

I am also delighted to welcome our new Australian colleagues to the Group. They are a very dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced team and a great addition to the inspHire team.

Graham Dobbs, CEO of inspHire

“Growing our business in the Australia and Asia markets is a key part of our global strategy. The new office in Australia brings the number of inspHire offices to 4 globally including the UK, Netherlands and USA. Now with the global reach and backing of Kerridge Commercial Systems Group we have never been better positioned to continue the inspHire growth story and serve our customers around the world.”


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