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Distribution & Wholesale

K8 Distributor Software: Addressing the Challenges

Every company has the goal of becoming more streamlined - of improving processes to achieve increased efficiency, productivity, sales and revenue.

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While this applies to companies in the distribution sector, the distribution channel has its own particular challenges which make distributor software an invaluable asset. K8 from Kerridge Commercial Systems is the market-leading software solution which is helping distribution businesses improve performance and profitability.

The challenges of effective distribution include the often complex logistics involved in maintaining speed and accuracy of distribution across multiple internal sites or to multiple external locations without sacrificing quality of customer service, while completing the full sales cycle by ensuring effective ongoing stock management and order fulfillment through effective warehouse management and order management.

The first area in which distributor software needs to excel is scalability. Kerridge Commercial Systems’ K8 product has multi-branch, multi-company and even multi-currency and multi-language functionality. K8 can be scaled down to suit smaller distributors or scaled up to tackle the requirements of larger industrial distribution environments.

The second factor to look for in distributor software is integration. Can the product be fully integrated into a distribution business’ existing IT software in order to assist across all areas of business management? Warehouse management and effective stock movement are not the only important areas of the supply chain. K8 is a fully-integrated distributor software system which also assists with point of sale processing, with invoicing and accounting, and even with management data analysis and reporting.

Finally, the software should be simple to install and intuitive to use, and there should be adequate ongoing provision of technical support. Distribution businesses cannot afford to waste valuable time retraining staff to use complicated new software or absorb operational mistakes caused by an unfathomable IT system. K8 has been designed with this in mind: companies can quickly incorporate this sophisticated software into the every-day running of their business and quickly learn how to use its multiple functions, safe in the knowledge that Kerridge Commercial Systems’ help desk team will be on hand to assist with any questions which may arise in the future.

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