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KCS partners with Bookmark to support St. Mary’s Ukrainian school in the UK

Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS), a leading ERP and business management software provider for distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and the plant, tool, and equipment hire industry, recently donated 15 PCs to the St. Mary’s Ukrainian School.

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Two kids looking at a laptop working.

These PCs help fill the educational needs of young children who have arrived with their families from Ukraine and need to continue their education in the UK.

As a leading global software company, KCS is passionate about technology, creativity and innovation, people, and living by sustainable values. This donation, facilitated through KCS’s close links with the reading charity, Bookmark, seeks to help children from all backgrounds learn and develop their reading skills. KCS is proud to repurpose their PCs for children in need, and they believe the more they can deliver, the better. ‘We appreciate that it’s challenging for the families to get hold of the technology needed to support learning,’ says Ian Bendelow, CEO of Kerridge Commercial Systems. ‘Therefore, we’re delighted to be able to help with equipment for a number of schemes in the UK over the last few years and, with the Bookmark organization, help in this specific and very important cause as well.

Bookmark is a literacy charity founded in 2018 by Sharon Pindar to help children to read. Volunteers assist children online or face-to-face, providing valuable reading skills as well as the confidence required for a fair chance in life. In response to the onset of war in Ukraine, Bookmark created the ‘Bookmark Box for Ukraine’ scheme, which delivered Ukrainian and English books to children with Vodafone SIM cards to communicate with their families as well as other sensory toys, games, and activities.

When Bookmark learned of the KCS initiative, they contacted the St. Mary’s School in Holland Park, London, to check if they could use the PCs that KCS wanted to donate.

There was a great need for additional equipment, so KCS arranged for 15 core desktop PCs for delivery, along with monitors, keyboards, and Windows software installed. ‘Everyone at St. Mary’s has greatly appreciated the IT equipment delivered by KCS,’ says Abigail Hanley, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer at Bookmark. ‘Children love using technology to learn, so the delighted look on their faces when they saw the new equipment was great to see. The computers are already helping children learn across all curriculum areas while assisting teachers as they perform their vital duties.’

‘Sustainability and closing the digital skills gap are key values for KCS,’ says Neil Abraham, Director of Cloud and IT Operations at KCS. ‘That’s why we’re delighted to repurpose these high-spec PCs for use within St. Mary’s. We hope students and teachers use them to achieve great results.’

As the tragic consequences of the war in Ukraine unfold, increasing numbers of refugees are arriving in the UK without any digital educational tools that we may take for granted. ‘But there are also many children from the UK who need help,’ Neil explains. ‘Therefore, the business community must step up and donate this equipment so it can be put to great use.

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