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Kerridge Commercial Systems highly commended by BMF for supplier engagement!

The Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) team was thrilled to be ‘Highly Commended’ by the Builders’ Merchants Federation (BMF) in the Supplier Engagement category at the recent BMF Awards.

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Just eight companies were shortlisted from over 300 BMF supplier and service members!

The BMF said the shortlisted companies were those that actively sought to gain the greatest value from their BMF membership during the preceding 12 months. And, were those that had successfully integrated their membership of the BMF within their sales and marketing strategies, lending support through attendance at meetings and events and by various forms of sponsorship.

“We try to support all BMF initiatives because we believe that working in close partnership with the Federation benefits all its members – and in turn the whole industry. We were particularly honoured at the commendation in this category as it was the first time a service partner has been nominated for the award.

Paula Hayter, New Business Sales Director at KCS

The BMF Members’ Annual Conference and Awards were held at St George’s Park National Football Centre on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September.


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