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Kerridge Commercial Systems proudly supports Laptops for Kids

Laptops for Kids is a charitable organisation that facilitates the distribution of used digital devices to enable children from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in remote learning.

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Laptop for kids

Giving them access to the technology they need, free of charge, means they can complete homework tasks that would otherwise not be possible without a computer.

"To date, we have donated over 40 laptops to this good cause. As a business, we are committed to helping Laptop for Kids provide children with the resources they need to succeed in their education. We are passionate about helping to close the 'digital divide' among disadvantaged young people and are committed to supporting this fantastic charity by continuing to donate our used laptops" commented Ian Bendelow, CEO, Kerridge Commercial Systems Group.

A key element in the KCS group sustainability policy is to re-use older IT equipment.

By re-purposing these laptops for use by kids, we have created a win:win scenario for us and the recipients, also ensuring we stay true to one of our core beliefs.

Ian Bendelow, CEO of the Kerridge Commercial Systems Group

Laptops for Kids takes donations of laptops, tablets, desktop computers and chargers. For more information on the charity and how businesses, organisations and individuals can provide support, please visit


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