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Kerridge CS ranked in Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 for the second consecutive year

We are delighted to announce that Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) has been ranked No. 98 in the Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200.

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The league table ranks the top 200 of Britain’s mid-market private companies in order of fastest growing overseas sales. The league table is produced by Fast Track the Oxford firm that researches and ranks Britain’s top performing private companies.

When surveying the companies Fast Track found leading exporters have quietly secured overseas orders at a record rate almost double that achieved two years ago.

The pandemic has shown us how much we depend on the convenience of researching and buying goods and services online. It is something that we all take for granted in our personal lives, why wouldn’t we expect the same in business?

Private mid-market companies grew their international sales by an average of 31% a year for their past two years. Combined profits were £2.3bn, a 77% rise on the 2017 cohort.

This accelerations in sales is in part due to the fall in the pound. Yet it also reflects the strong demand for British goods and services.

Europe is a key market for the majority of the companies (86%) followed by North America (64%) and Asia (37%).

The nine strategic acquisitions KCS made in Europe, the US and South Africa were obviously instrumental in our international sales reaching £30.5m in 2018.

The full league table was published in print as a ten-page supplement within the business section of The Sunday Times on the 10th February 2019, and in the digital edition.

Reproduced by permission. Copyright The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200.


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