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A comprehensive system to manage all warehouse activities

The Warehouse Management Software (WMS) module for automotive parts distributors, jobbers, and retailers offers extensive capabilities to manage stock movements throughout your warehouse, giving you a clear, accurate picture of warehouse inventory at all times. The system manages all warehouse activities, from goods receipt to picking and shipment, optimizing your processes and maintaining correct, up-to-date stock records.

The warehouse management software from KCS UK helps optimise your business.

What are the benefits to your business?

With KCS UK, you can optimise the flow of goods around your business.

Optimise the flow of goods

Integrated fully with the Autopart business management system, WMS seamlessly updates your records and optimises the flow of goods through your warehouse.

  • Simplify the management of all warehouse activities — from goods receipt and put away to picking, packing, and shipment.
  • A user-friendly dashboard provides up-to-the-minute status and audit reports.
Fully control your stock and document management with KCS UK.

Stock visibility and documentation

Real-time stock data and documentation capabilities ensure businesses have a highly efficient warehouse operation, delivering excellent customer service.

  • Complete visibility and access to warehouse stock by branches and vice versa give you a comprehensive view of inventory data.
  • Tracking and validation functionality supports operational needs and audit requirements.
With the software from KCS UK, you can use smart devices to take technology to the job.

Hand-held capabilities

To improve efficiency in the warehouse, every process can be managed using wireless hand-held devices (PDA), and every movement is captured instantly for audit and integrated with other system modules.

  • A hand-held PDA and scanner are used for all data input, continuously updating your central software system via a wireless connection.
  • An intuitive dashboard provides an instant snapshot of current activities.

Product integrations


Our fully comprehensive cloud-based solution for managing automotive parts is designed to meet the needs of busy distribution, motor factor, and retail businesses.

Learn more about Autopart

Solutions & resources

Looking for more information? These resources may interest you:

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