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Are You Using Your CRM System to its Full Potential?

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system allows businesses to manage all of their data in one centralized location. However, with all of the information at hand, it’s easy to let some of the features disappear into the shadows, especially during the busy time of the festive season.

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KCS SA Blog - CRM System

Here are four ways in which to use your CRM system to its full potential:

1.    Get your staff on-board and initiative training

One way in which CRM fails businesses is by means of standing dormant or neglected due to a lack of training or initiation. Encourage your staff to on-board themselves and start training. One way in which to excite them is to ensure they are informed as to why a CRM system is necessary and how it benefits their work day. After the system has been rolled out, remind your staff of the importance by letting them know the changes can be beneficial to your organization.

2.    Customise your data and dashboards

Many CRM systems have allow you to create custom dashboards and reports that give you the information that you need. You can also track the progress of your business, view your sales and see real-time trends that give you an idea of exactly what is going and make informed decisions on how to effectively scale your business.

3.    Create more strategic marketing campaigns

The longer you are in business, the more data your business receives. Without a CRM system, it is almost impossible to sort through all this information. This vast amount of customer data in CRM systems are a gold mine for your marketing department. It can store information such as a customer’s purchase history, buying patterns, and preferences giving marketers a deeper understanding of each customer.

4.    Integrate your CRM with email

Integrating CRM with your email can make tracking important communication a breeze. It helps you easily store information within CRM without having to constantly go back and forth copying and pasting information. You can easily track emails, link them to records and share valuable information with colleagues who do not have access to your email, but have access to CRM system. This comes in handy when you are working on a deal or new business opportunities with a group. You can share emails and important communications you each have between your company and the client, keeping all members well informed.

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