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K8: Focus On Financial Management

The highly advanced and adaptable K8 software solution supports the distributive trades in a myriad of ways. Here we look at the financial management solutions provided by the K8 system.

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While keeping a tight control on finances is essential for companies in any sector, those in the distribution industry have a particular need to find effective financial management solutions. Doing so ensures that distributive trades can keep abreast of their competitors and maintain customer satisfaction in a fast-moving arena. K8 Financials is the ideal solution for this sector, placing fiscal control firmly in the hands of the distribution company.

K8 is fully integrated financial management software which is customised for each individual distribution business. While there are of course similarities across the sector, the needs and values of customers will vary from company to company. K8 Financials allows for this with complete flexibility. Being able to fully understand one’s clients creates key opportunities, something which K8 facilitates by performing as business intelligence software.

K8 Financials simultaneously reduces costs, by maximising the efficiency of transaction processing, and reduces business risk, by allowing tighter supply and stock management. Meanwhile, assisting companies in the provision of more competitive sales and enhanced customer service significantly improves profits. Tight financial management also allows for more effective fiscal planning, another area in which K8 Financials can help, by providing accurate and reliable forecasting solutions.

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