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Motovac invests in new IT system

Botswana automotive parts distributor moves ahead with K8

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Kerridge Commercial Systems and IT Junxion - its local partner, announces that Motovac, the Botswana automotive parts distributor, has signed for a 180 user K8 system. K8 is an internationally-renowned integrated ERP system designed specifically for the distributive trades.

Running on Linux, K8 will replace Motovac’s existing disparate, non-integrated systems which involve many time-consuming manual tasks. Oracle-based K8 will help Motovac to increase efficiency, achieve greater control and improve trading and profitability across its 21 branch operation.  The system was chosen after a detailed evaluation of the company’s specific requirements which included integrated trading, purchasing, stock control and distribution functionality.

Sajith Nair, Motovac IT Manager , said “In choosing Kerridge Commercial System and K8, we have found an IT partner with a strong pedigree. K8 will add value to our business, enable us to streamline our processes and help us to continue our growth strategy. Kerridge Commercial Systems and IT Junxion clearly understand our challenging trading environments and specific business needs. We are very confident that our decision is the right one for the future of our business.”

“Standard functionality such as alternative, associated and superseded products demonstrate its trade specific functionality and expertise” says Sameer Patel – Motovac Operations Director

With K8’s thin client network overhead and its offline trading capability, the system is ideally suited to Motovac. Its high performance and proven capabilities mean that K8 is cost effective to deploy and maintain.

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