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Transtool Distributors goes live with new ERP system

Established in 1936, Johannesburg-based Transtool are in the tool distribution and wholesale market sector. They stock leading tool brands and are the sole agents in South Africa, exclusively importing and distributing Forge Hand Tools and DIY Products. Their main focus is the wholesale industry.

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Before selecting and implementing K8, TransTool consulted various other companies in their industry sector for advice on ERP software providers, and soon came to the conclusion that K8 was the market leader. After reviewing their options, TransTool migrated away from their AS400 platform and opted for a full SAAS option, hosted at Teraco. TransTool went live with their K8 solution in the first week of March 2015.

TransTool opted to implement the standard K8 functionality as this best met their company needs - they had no complex financial requirements in terms of buying from their suppliers; no uplifts in purchasing; or discount terms in selling. TransTool have adopted the K8 processes as they essentially run their business by “keeping it simple”. They were most impressed with the fact that the implementation would require no customisations or modifications in order to fit their business. The Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) Go-Live team and consultants did create a number of specific reports but this was the limit of what was needed to tailor K8 for TransTool.

Chris Beedle, Managing Director of TransTool, says: “We were looking to upgrade our old out of date software package and noticed that more than a few of our suppliers and customers were using K8. We looked into it and when we met with them we were very impressed with what we saw and even more impressed that we didn’t have to deal with greedy and pushy third party re-sellers, we dealt directly with KCS.”

“The KCS consultants were extremely professional, diligent and patient with us, which resulted in our Go-Live going super smoothly with basically zero issues. The process was made so easy thanks to the whole team at KCS and their efforts.”

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