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Davroc saves by using K-Print.

Vertical: Distribution

Industry: Bathroom & kitchen

Product: K-Print


Davroc is a growing, family-run supplier of products to bathroom retailers. Forward-thinking, the company focusses on quality classic design and sources its products from across Europe. To reflect their high calibre status, Davroc needed to improve the overall quality of their documentation – and found the perfect answer with K-Print.

K-Print the answer

Most businesses will have faced the same problem: the accounts department is in the middle of printing invoices, only to find there are none left; a member of staff will inevitably go to find the last box of invoice stationery, only to find it contains statements; and the last secret reserve box turns out to be empty. A familiar issue, no doubt. Thankfully, with K-Print, this is a thing of the past.

Integrated forms saves money

Print Manager is Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) advanced electronic forms system that saves time and money on printing requirements and, more importantly, means you never run out of stationery. Print Manager uses plain paper to produce high quality laser printed documents. The forms, template information and individual transaction data (or other information) is produced in one single smooth process. Print Manager provides a professional output of documents, quotations, invoices, pick notes and cash sales – in fact, all the documents needed to run the business. Print Manager is easier to use, more flexible, and unquestionably more cost effective than using pre-printed stationery.

The benefits recognised

Prior to implementing Print Manager, Davroc had over twenty dot matrix printers, plus a high capacity laser printer and numerous fax machines. Paul Mitchell, IT Manager of Davroc, comments, “the tangible cost savings were immediate. We have reduced the number of printers from twenty to six. This means fourteen less printers need to be periodically replaced.”

No more preprinted stationery

Paul Mitchell continued “Most importantly, by not using pre-printed stationery, we have significantly cut the cost of each document – costs that quickly add up when you are producing roughly 180,000 documents a year!

You have to remember, we used to use individual pre-printed stationery for all documents across our two brands, Davroc and Lefroy Brooks.” Print Manager stores all of the document templates for the company, including those that can be output to the laser printer. The system then mail merges the data (input by the users) into the template, where it can then be printed, faxed or emailed directly.

The savings from Print Manager were immediate, around £11,000 annually, and we have reduced the number of printers in the company by 70%. Removing boxes of stationery has enabled us to convert space into a meeting room.

Paul Mitchell - IT Manager

Quality documents

Initially, Davroc were drawn to Print Manager because of the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of the overall presentation of documents, consistent with the image that Davroc presents to its customers and suppliers. Savings in other areas quickly appeared. Previously, Davroc had to purchase different paper for each document, but now save on costs by bulk buying (and their print provider is more than happy to keep a buffer stock). In fact, they have completely eliminated the problem of having to stock lots of different paper.

Significant cost savings

“Storage space is always at a premium,” says Paul. “We have freed up over 150 square foot of storage space by removing boxes of stationery; and have been able to convert that space into a new meeting room.” Another advantage is the ability to print delivery notes in route order. Not having to manually sort delivery notes has meant a saving of three hours every day for one of the staff at Davroc. Print Manager also has the functionality to store Microsoft Word documents on the server, that can then be used as a quotation template, and tailored for individual Davroc customers.

“We save over £11,000 per year by using Print Manager,” explains Paul. “And it doesn’t stop there! We are planning further developments with Print Manager and hope to have POD’s printed on the back of invoices in the near future.”


  • Immediate tangible savings
  • Reduced number of printers needed
  • No pre-printed forms – only plain paper
  • Form changes quick and easy
  • Professional quality output
  • Forms personalised for specific needs


    • Annual savings of over £11,000
    • 150 sq foot of storage space freed up
    • Produces high quality documents


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