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SA Tool (Pty) Ltd

K8 is helping SA Tool to improve customer service levels.

Vertical: Distribution

Industry: Tools and hardware

Product: K8

SA Tool (Pty) Ltd

About SA Tool (Pty) Ltd

Established in 1983 as a power tool repairer, Johannesburg-based SA Tool are agents and distributors for many leading brands of power tools and personal protective equipment. In addition to importing products from international suppliers, the company also has purchasing arrangements with major South African manufacturers. SA Tool holds an extensive range of stock and is proud to offer competitive pricing and deliver a high standard of service to its growing customer base.

Prior to implementing K8, SA Tool had used a number of systems which had been progressively outgrown. The management team realised that a fully integrated ERP solution, better suited to SA Tool’s diverse trading requirements, had become a strategic priority. Better control and visibility over the entire supply chain was increasingly critical, especially with some transactions, such as buy-outs being managed manually.

The company chose K8 – which went live in October 2011, because its extensive range of advanced, integrated functionality were a close match for SA Tool’s requirements. The system has enabled accurate traceability across sales, procurement and financial modules which are \ making a big difference to company operations.

K8 has enabled us to implement best business practice.

Len Jacobs - Supply Chain Manager at SA Tool (Pty) Ltd

K8 is also helping SA Tool to improve customer service levels; through tighter inventory controls and purchase forecasting, the company is able to offer a much enhanced depth and breadth of stock.

A recent development for SA Tool has been to move its K8 system to a hosted environment. With the system being supported by Kerridge Commercial Systems and the infrastructure fully managed at the data centre, the company is now able to spend much more time on operational requirements and develop its use of K8.

Gains and Benefits

  • Improved business control in every area
  • Intuitive functionality
  • Time savings – resulting in greater efficiency
  • Greater supply chain visibility
  • Eliminated manual, off-system processes
  • Comprehensive transaction traceability
  • Profitability and margin monitoring
  • Superior stock management
  • Purchase forecasting
  • Website trading integration
  • Integrated BI capabilities
  • Fully supported hosted platform
  • Future-proofed product development
  • Quality partner support


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