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Virgin Mobile

Virgin Media is the first provider of all four broadband, TV, mobile phone and home phone services in the UK.

Vertical: Distribution

Industry: IT & Office

Product: One Office

A cell phone in a persons hand


Virgin Media operates the most popular virtual mobile network in the UK which, when launched, was the world’s first such mobile phone service. It is also one of the UK’s largest fixed-line home phone providers.

When Virgin set its sights on the mobile phone market, it knew it had to take a radically different approach from everyone else. The company set out to sell phones through all the different channels simultaneously. It meant having a back office system, linked to all sales channels, which would provide consistent stock control data, order processing and delivery. Irrespective how people contacted Virgin Mobile, they would get up-to-minute information and spot-on service.

Gains and benefits

  • Call-handling and web-site integration supports delivery of consistent, high levels of service
  • Automatic order processing for payment authorisations, stock and despatch – fast and effective
  • Integration with carrier system for full logistics support and tracking
  • Activity levels easily monitored and managed – enabling timely and appropriate actions to be taken
  • Full product return processes – collection through to quality and re-sell –smooth and cost-effective
  • Robust and scalable to handle high transaction volumes – fully supports business model

A tall order to do all the things we wanted, but so far it has delivered.

Andrew Ralston - Customer Relationship Director


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