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Business intelligence allows for more informed business decisions

Business intelligence (BI) has long surpassed being merely a buzzword and has become critical for businesses as it provides insights into your business in an organized and useful manner, allowing for more informed decision-making.

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Software such as ERP systems is used to provide business analytics, data mining, data tools, data visualization, infrastructure and so forth, and then transform that information into useful insights for your business that are beneficial for decision-making and planning. These insights can be used to contribute to an organization's strategic and tactical business decisions by providing the user with reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts and maps of detailed intelligence about the functioning of their business.

Kerridge Commercial Systems' business intelligence functionality allows organizations to analyze, access and adapt their work processes to achieve specific targets.

Benefits of business intelligence

1) Instant access to accurate data

In order to cope with the fast-paced reality that is the business world, instant access to information about the business, its stock, its people, its sales and so forth needs to be readily available. BI makes that a reality. This instant access to a snapshot of complex data empowers businesses and their people.

2) Improves decision-making

Instant and up-to-date information presented in a 'digestible' manner will provide businesses with better insights and intelligence than they might previously have had access to. This kind of information will aid businesses in making more informed decisions, contributing to greater success.

3) Helps identify new opportunities

There are many benefits of having a BI system in place, but a couple of key aspects stand out, including the highlighting of new opportunities. Having access to real-time information in a manner where you are quickly able to get insights into certain areas of the business has many advantages. Businesses can, for example, identify new trends and prepare accordingly. This kind of data allows businesses to respond quickly to any new changes or developments and use it to their advantage when a new opportunity presents itself.

Find out more about our business intelligence software and how it can help you and your business here.

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