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MAM Software to present at Car-X Dealer Meeting 2019

The Car-X Dealers Meeting brings together dealers from across the entire Car-X Tire & Auto service centers to participate in business session and information gathering with select vendors. MAM Software is thankful to once again be invited to participate in this event and are eager to showcase our VAST, point of sale solution.

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VAST is a sophisticated point of sale and management system designed for both single and multi-location tire dealers and auto service shops. Its powerful yet easy-to-use features help to increase revenues and generate incremental profits, while enhancing customer service and productivity.

The unique tire feature/benefit sales system of VAST enables counter staff to ensure every customer gets the right tire for them, at the right price. Designed by tire sales professionals, the VAST tire window optimizes the in-store process by offering tire choices based on the customer’s driving habits and performance requirements.

The latest version of VAST includes exciting new features such as integration with MAM Software's parts catalog and connectivity solution for tire and auto service dealers, MAM Commerce. Built on MAM Software’s OpenWebs e-commerce and Autocat catalog platforms, the MAM Commerce’s open architecture provides users with a single solution for all their connectivity requirements.

MAM Software will also be showcasing MAM CarSide - a phone or tablet application that allows users to complete a digital inspection. New features include two-way integration between VAST and MAM CarSide as well as two-way texting with customers. With two-way integration, users can pull work order status, inventory availability, totals, taxes and declined part information from VAST. Additionally, VAST can now view and import measurements for brake pad thickness, tire pressure and tread depth from MAM CarSide inspection forms. MAM CarSide also integrates with Hunter’s Quick Check and Quick Tread technologies.

“Once again we are pleased to be included in the Car-X Dealer Meeting and we are looking forward to showcasing the power of VAST.” John Fischer, VP of Sales & Marketing - MAM Software.

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